Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Very cool blind spot test!!!


Check out this cool site that talks you through your own blind spot!  Its really good.

By the way, sensory next!!!

-Mr. Orloff

Monday, December 13, 2010

Class, here's a rough outline of the content on the exam:
definition of anatomy and physiology
planes of the body: coronal, saggital, transverse
cavities:  dorsal - cranium, spinal column
ventral: thoracic, abdominal (pelvic and upper)
Terms: medial - lateral
superior - inferior
proximal - distal
anterior - posterior
superficial - deep

epithilial (squamous, cuboidal, columnar, transitional)
muscle (cardiac, skeletal, smooth)
Connective (blood, bone, 3 cartilages[hyaline, fibro, elastic], 2 proper[adipose, loose])
epidermis (stratum layers)
dermis (papillary and reticular layers)
review of skin functions
glands and nerve endings
hair and nails

bones of the day
cartilage functions
Haversian systems
Anatomy of a long bone
bone break classification
articulation types (fibrous, cartilage, and synovial)
tendons, ligaments, bursae
bone surface features (depressions and processes)
hip relacement

muscles of the day
definition of origin, insertion, belly, antagonist
movement terms: flex, extend
adduct, abduct
rotate, circumduct
full analysis of movement
myoglobin function
fast and slow twitch
contraction types: twitch, tetany, treppe, fatigue
Possibly, internal muscle anatomy --that remains to be seen.

This should cover things.  See you on Wednesday.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Doctors' diaries

Where are they now?  Want to know more about how their lives have turned out?  Check out their stories at the Nova website.